“Thankful” – Free Wallpaper Download

Thanksgiving is in two days - can you believe it? Where has the time gone? This year seems like a blur because it's been so different and unlike any of us have ever experienced, but it's also made me stop more often and reflect about what I'm thankful for, especially this time of year.

10 things I'm thankful for:

1. My family – Love them with all of my heart and am SO grateful for them! ❤️

2. My Faith in God – always present, consistent and unwavering.

3. Friends – their support, encouragement and those late night conversations.

4. Answered Prayers

5. Vendor Friends – Thankful for vendors I've known and new ones I was able to meet this year! They are rockstars!

6. My clients and all of those who have supported my business. I am SO thankful for you!

7. My job – I honestly LOVE what I do and the fact that I am able to be home with my daughters too.

8. The Outdoors – It's been a saving grace this year when we are all stuck at home.

9. Dance Parties with Hailey and Ellie – always full of laughter and giggles!

10. Quiet moments – with little ones it is hard to get quiet moments, but when I get them - it's quite refreshing! lol

Below is a short quote I hand-lettered that you are free to download for your phone or tablet. Let it serve as a reminder to be thankful for what you have not only this time of year, but everyday.

Thankful Free Wallpaper Download - Short hand-lettered quote

Phone Download // Tablet Download

To download, click a link above. Save it and apply as your wallpaper or lock screen. I hope you enjoy!!


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