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Are Wedding Invitations Really THAT Important?
Planning a wedding is tough. There’s a long list of things to complete and so much that goes into every detail. Where do your invitations fall on the line of importance? Are wedding invitations really that important?

“Above all, Love” – Free Wallpaper/background Download for your phone or tablet
“Above all, Love” – FREE hand-lettered wallpaper for your phone or tablet. Keep this as a constant reminder to love. Treat others with kindness. Think about your words before you speak and be mindful of your impact on the world and the others around you.

“Thankful” – Free Wallpaper Download
“Thankful” – FREE hand-lettered and watercolored wallpaper for your phone or tablet. Keep this as a constant reminder to always be thankful each and every day of the year - not just around Thanksgiving.

“Work Hard, Dream Big” – FREE hand-lettered wallpaper for your phone or tablet! Enjoy this reminder to reach for the stars and even if it seems tough, keep going! Big Dreams require Hard Work!

Pray without ceasing Free wallpaper download
FREE hand-lettered wallpaper for your phone or tablet! Remember to remain hopeful and full in faith. Life may be uncertain right now, but God is always certain – always a constant.